
Carrytons is a haulage company headquartered in Bratislava. It has had long term experience in the field of effective organization and continuous quality improvement of logistics services providing its customers with the most suitable, custom-made logistics and haulage solutions.



One of the company’s top priorities is to be a reliable partner to its customers. We deliver our shipments in term and at negotiated price.


Mutual satisfaction is also one of the company’s top priorities. Its goal is to have both, satisfied customers and employees. That is why the company’s truck fleet includes vehicles, which provide its drivers, who form part of the company’s team, with the highest comfort possible while on business trips. Only satisfied drivers can provide haulage to customer’s full satisfaction.

Environmental protection

Being a carrier, the company is fully aware of its responsibilities towards the environment that we all share. Our top goal is to operate vehicles meeting the most demanding emission standards in the most ecological manner possible and to reduce the amount of combustion gases produced by the company. The company is continuously trying to reduce fuel consumption of its vehicles thus also contributing to the reduction of its negative impact on the environment.


The company has been in the haulage business for 10 years. Its experience, however, goes back more than two decades, when Anton Bajtoš, a business founder started to work in the transport business.

The haulage company Carrytons was established in 2012 as a reaction to the previous business development and as a basis for its future. This international haulage business was, at the time, run under the name of its founder.


The vision of Carrytons is to become one of major carriers providing haulage between Central Europe and Scandinavian countries by increasing number of its satisfied customers. At the same time, the company will try to strengthen its position in logistics services all over the Europe.


The brand Carrytons is a play on words referring to company’s main activities. The link of two English words, namely “carry” and “tons”, clearly defines the above activities as we really transport tons of goods for our customers cruising all over Europe. At the same time, the “tons” part of the name is the nickname of its founder.